
Monday, October 19, 2009

I sat down tonight- I felt God wanted to say something- here what I heard 10-19-09

I have much to say, time is short, keep your eyes on me. WATCH! The news hear my voice, much is happening STAY ALERT! This is not a time to sleep or shrink Back.
Be bold, the devil will try to pounce, but isn’t my word so much louder. Many claim to know me, but there hearts are so far from me. Be a discerner of peoples hearts. Many speak my name, but I will never know them. They have said, “look at me I am someone”. But I the Lord have said if I be lifted up I will draw all men all men to myself.
The church by in large says they know me are far from me. I call and call but they do not recognize my voice. How my heart hurts because they do not recognize my voice. Few now hear my voice, I know I can trust these who hear my voice. Listen, Hear, Watch me do get and mighty things among you.
Do not fear what you hear and see. Watch me rise upon your behalf, Because you trust me.
Time is short, I say be in place, be in place. Because this world will shake. Be grounded in me, as you are doing right now. Faint not for I am strong and mighty.
I laugh at those who think they have it figured out. But I am close who are broken hearted, and those who trust me.
I say time is so very short, I will soon rescue those who trust me. Trust in what I say, my word is always the same. So keep watching the signs, look up, soon we will be all away.

Barry Meyer