
Sunday, April 5, 2009

MAURICE SKLAR MINISTRIES - The Closing of the Gates of Grace

------------His web site

“Come up here, my Bride, and escape the wrath that is about to be poured out upon the earth.”
I heard a nearly deafeningly loud blast of heavenly trumpets from both those angels at the same time, and suddenly, I saw multitudes of souls – millions and millions of them – ascending out of the earth very fast in a flash of light. The river of light coming through the gates met them in the upper atmosphere of the earth and then reversed itself and all the souls and the river of light went back up out of the earth and into the closing gates back into heaven.

-I am coming soon for My overcoming Bride. Keep your lamps burning…Watch and Pray…I AM AT THE DOORS OF GRACE! They are closing quickly….Come into My ark of safety…come into the Bridal chamber and the doors will SHUT…I AM COMING FOR YOU, MY BELOVED!!!”

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