Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dream I had - Not many were noticing God's Signs-------
I was on top of a mountian looking down to the valley. I saw all these people Christian and non-christian, the were going about there daily routine. I saw all these billboards that God had put up. But not many were noticing God's Signs. Then I saw water in the distance rising up the valley. People did not even notice the water. Then I heard a voice from the sky say, "AS IT WAS IN THE DAY'S OF NOAH, SO SHALL IT BE IN THE DAY OF MY SON". Barry Meyer
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"My church had not done the work I have called them too".
I saw this garden in a backyard and it was full of vegetables, but many weeds had grown up around the good plants. God then spoke, "My church had not done the work I have called them too". God also said, "they are in the house, but they think being in the house they are doing a great work." God then said, "I have given the tools you need, the Holy Spirit has suppled them too you." The people in the house said. "we have no tools". God then said, "you have the tools, but you have rejected what I supplied." God then speaks again, "because you have rejected and not done the work, much has grown around the good plants". God speaks again, "because you have rejected me and my calling, I have now rejected your election, for if you were my friends you would do what I had called you to do. "Many are hearing my voice and are picking up the tools I have provided." God says, "Many have forsaked my gifts to picked up things that are called the newage, many in the church now calls this my gifts." Barry Meyer
Monday, October 19, 2009
I sat down tonight- I felt God wanted to say something- here what I heard 10-19-09
I have much to say, time is short, keep your eyes on me. WATCH! The news hear my voice, much is happening STAY ALERT! This is not a time to sleep or shrink Back.
Be bold, the devil will try to pounce, but isn’t my word so much louder. Many claim to know me, but there hearts are so far from me. Be a discerner of peoples hearts. Many speak my name, but I will never know them. They have said, “look at me I am someone”. But I the Lord have said if I be lifted up I will draw all men all men to myself.
The church by in large says they know me are far from me. I call and call but they do not recognize my voice. How my heart hurts because they do not recognize my voice. Few now hear my voice, I know I can trust these who hear my voice. Listen, Hear, Watch me do get and mighty things among you.
Do not fear what you hear and see. Watch me rise upon your behalf, Because you trust me.
Time is short, I say be in place, be in place. Because this world will shake. Be grounded in me, as you are doing right now. Faint not for I am strong and mighty.
I laugh at those who think they have it figured out. But I am close who are broken hearted, and those who trust me.
I say time is so very short, I will soon rescue those who trust me. Trust in what I say, my word is always the same. So keep watching the signs, look up, soon we will be all away.
Barry Meyer
Be bold, the devil will try to pounce, but isn’t my word so much louder. Many claim to know me, but there hearts are so far from me. Be a discerner of peoples hearts. Many speak my name, but I will never know them. They have said, “look at me I am someone”. But I the Lord have said if I be lifted up I will draw all men all men to myself.
The church by in large says they know me are far from me. I call and call but they do not recognize my voice. How my heart hurts because they do not recognize my voice. Few now hear my voice, I know I can trust these who hear my voice. Listen, Hear, Watch me do get and mighty things among you.
Do not fear what you hear and see. Watch me rise upon your behalf, Because you trust me.
Time is short, I say be in place, be in place. Because this world will shake. Be grounded in me, as you are doing right now. Faint not for I am strong and mighty.
I laugh at those who think they have it figured out. But I am close who are broken hearted, and those who trust me.
I say time is so very short, I will soon rescue those who trust me. Trust in what I say, my word is always the same. So keep watching the signs, look up, soon we will be all away.
Barry Meyer
Monday, October 5, 2009
Dream I had the Church was going to marry the dead thing
Barry Meyer
I was Standing in this house that was warm and was very cozy. I was looking out of the second story window, I looked down to the ground and I saw a coffin. As I looked the coffin opened up and a Dead looking man was inside. Next to him was a Skeleton. The Skeleton disappered from site and only the dead man was to be found in the coffin. He then sat up and said, "I am looking for a new bride"! As I watched the door on the house below me on the first floor opened up. And a woman came forward to this dead man. She looked as if she was on meth. Her face looked so bad.
This is what GOD impressed on me was this: The dead man was this Earthly system, things a Christian leaves behind once they turn to GOD/JESUS. The woman was part of the church that left the comfort and protection of GOD. She was taught things that were not of GOD. meth was the religion that has has messed her up. She had turned her back to GOD, and was going to be fully married to this world system, all the pleasures the world said were good. My self was the few who stayed behind in the protection of GOD's home. --Many are called but few are choosen -- wide is the road to destruction.
I was Standing in this house that was warm and was very cozy. I was looking out of the second story window, I looked down to the ground and I saw a coffin. As I looked the coffin opened up and a Dead looking man was inside. Next to him was a Skeleton. The Skeleton disappered from site and only the dead man was to be found in the coffin. He then sat up and said, "I am looking for a new bride"! As I watched the door on the house below me on the first floor opened up. And a woman came forward to this dead man. She looked as if she was on meth. Her face looked so bad.
This is what GOD impressed on me was this: The dead man was this Earthly system, things a Christian leaves behind once they turn to GOD/JESUS. The woman was part of the church that left the comfort and protection of GOD. She was taught things that were not of GOD. meth was the religion that has has messed her up. She had turned her back to GOD, and was going to be fully married to this world system, all the pleasures the world said were good. My self was the few who stayed behind in the protection of GOD's home. --Many are called but few are choosen -- wide is the road to destruction.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I had this dream on to Trust God for what is coming on this world- July 4, 2009 1:30 AM
I had this dream: Barry Meyer
I was walking with my Wife and some other people in this park around 20 people or so. So I was at a place in the public. As we were walking along we all noticed a Ministries Called End Time (there is such one: Google it). I went up with the others; My Wife bought some things so did I. I then heard one of them talking about some signs in the heavens would soon come to pass. I asked, "What do you Know?" The person said they knew of a planet of some sort that was going to affect our Planet Earth. It would affect our weather, Land, and Oceans. After that discourse we all left and walked on.
We the came up to an Outhouse, not one of wood but was made of like fiberglass. It was blue and had a pipe running to it, which they do not have. It was not self contained it had a pit below it. A sign above it read come to the place of living waters. I looked inside it was so full and Stunk. Then God spoke, "This is how I see the church of the four walls." "They mix Religion with my word and it stinks even to so bad to me." "They think they are grounded in me but they have dug their own pit." Not only am I sick of it, but so is the world." "The four walled church are so self contained they think they are reaching world, and the world it's self knows- not even to go there." "God said some are coming out and is touching the world for all to see, to let them know we are in the Very Last Days." "The way the four walled Church has worked will work no more."
Then all of us were given a belt clip, we each had one, and God had the other side so we could clip into Him. It was a belt of Trust. We were at that moment taken to the very top of Earth where it meets space. It was so very really like if I was really there. I could below me to earth but also in outer Space and the Planets and such. I could see others coming up (people), but when some looked down and lost there trust in God they started to fall very fast back to Earth. Then I saw this Planet or small Star coming towards Earth, it was so close I could almost touch it. Then God spoke, "you will see things that will shake the very heart of Men if they do not trust me, and those who fell back to Earth, loved the world more that to put there trust in me."
Then God took us down back to Earth and I saw these people at this house, I saw all these people that were filled with so much evil. I was put in front of this house and I had to deal with these evil people. This was not regular evil i have heard of, it was on such a deeper level of Evil that the world had ever saw. I admit some fear came upon me at first, and then I remembered I had Trust in God. It was like I was invisible to them, like they knew we were there, but could not quit understand why they could not destroy those who were trusting God. Like being hid in Christ Trusting that we were made right in God sight.
Then God said, "Is this too hard for me to show you what is to come, and the protect you from what is to come, because you trust me?" Immediately woke up from my sleep LIKE NOW and said, "No, No it isn't". Then he said, "Do you trust me?" It was not like he said will you trust me. I spoke back to him as I sat there, "I do". He told me saying, "What you said was like wedding Vow when a women says to her future Husband -I DO- you are willing to trust me through it all sick and health ect." I really believe it is going to get really bad soon he is preparing our hearts for those who say I do.
I was walking with my Wife and some other people in this park around 20 people or so. So I was at a place in the public. As we were walking along we all noticed a Ministries Called End Time (there is such one: Google it). I went up with the others; My Wife bought some things so did I. I then heard one of them talking about some signs in the heavens would soon come to pass. I asked, "What do you Know?" The person said they knew of a planet of some sort that was going to affect our Planet Earth. It would affect our weather, Land, and Oceans. After that discourse we all left and walked on.
We the came up to an Outhouse, not one of wood but was made of like fiberglass. It was blue and had a pipe running to it, which they do not have. It was not self contained it had a pit below it. A sign above it read come to the place of living waters. I looked inside it was so full and Stunk. Then God spoke, "This is how I see the church of the four walls." "They mix Religion with my word and it stinks even to so bad to me." "They think they are grounded in me but they have dug their own pit." Not only am I sick of it, but so is the world." "The four walled church are so self contained they think they are reaching world, and the world it's self knows- not even to go there." "God said some are coming out and is touching the world for all to see, to let them know we are in the Very Last Days." "The way the four walled Church has worked will work no more."
Then all of us were given a belt clip, we each had one, and God had the other side so we could clip into Him. It was a belt of Trust. We were at that moment taken to the very top of Earth where it meets space. It was so very really like if I was really there. I could below me to earth but also in outer Space and the Planets and such. I could see others coming up (people), but when some looked down and lost there trust in God they started to fall very fast back to Earth. Then I saw this Planet or small Star coming towards Earth, it was so close I could almost touch it. Then God spoke, "you will see things that will shake the very heart of Men if they do not trust me, and those who fell back to Earth, loved the world more that to put there trust in me."
Then God took us down back to Earth and I saw these people at this house, I saw all these people that were filled with so much evil. I was put in front of this house and I had to deal with these evil people. This was not regular evil i have heard of, it was on such a deeper level of Evil that the world had ever saw. I admit some fear came upon me at first, and then I remembered I had Trust in God. It was like I was invisible to them, like they knew we were there, but could not quit understand why they could not destroy those who were trusting God. Like being hid in Christ Trusting that we were made right in God sight.
Then God said, "Is this too hard for me to show you what is to come, and the protect you from what is to come, because you trust me?" Immediately woke up from my sleep LIKE NOW and said, "No, No it isn't". Then he said, "Do you trust me?" It was not like he said will you trust me. I spoke back to him as I sat there, "I do". He told me saying, "What you said was like wedding Vow when a women says to her future Husband -I DO- you are willing to trust me through it all sick and health ect." I really believe it is going to get really bad soon he is preparing our hearts for those who say I do.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Church inside of the four walled graveyard
We have these meeetings here in Cheyenne - (Revival Fire!!!!!!!!! Meetings for 2009 Prophetic Ministry 2535 E 9Th Street (directions to building below) 7:00PMCheyenne, WY307-421-2641Worship ---- Prophetic Ministry NO CHARGE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - " The Spirit of the Lord" is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor,He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sights for the blind, to release the oppressed." Luke 4:18)
I was at this meeting and we were giving Prophetic words the people, myself and my friends link to there website above Andy and Charlene. We just had a few people. As my friends were giving Prophetic words to one of the people there this, what I saw - I believe this was not only for her but many others who GOD is waking up.
I saw her/ those GOD is waking up, inside this graveyard. Those of us who were wakened by GOD, we are selves, were tring to wake others around us. These people who we were tring to awake, were sitting up against grave/head stones. The head stones all said "Drunk with religion". We tried to wake them up but all they said was, "what ever will be". It was so dark there, and I heard GOD say, "I even myself have tried and they will not wake-up go now and leave this place, those who you meet on the road warn them not to come the graveyard". I saw her and others leave through the old rusty gate and head out on the many roads that Jesus is coming very soon. leave religion and come to saveing power of Jesus Christ. leave your 3 and 7 step formulas. It is through the power of the Blood of Jesus you have been saved.
It was confirmed in - Jeremiah 7:1-13 Jeremiah 7:1-13 (New American Standard Bible)
Jeremiah 7
Message at the Temple Gate - 13)13"And now, because you have done all these things," declares the LORD, "and I spoke to you, (V)rising up early and (W)speaking, but you did not hear, and I (X)called you but you did not answer -
I am not saying all the Churches in the four walls are that way. But there is also those who really are dead. Dead in religion, and are doing things the way man wants it done. It is now 3 AM
Barry Meyer
I was at this meeting and we were giving Prophetic words the people, myself and my friends link to there website above Andy and Charlene. We just had a few people. As my friends were giving Prophetic words to one of the people there this, what I saw - I believe this was not only for her but many others who GOD is waking up.
I saw her/ those GOD is waking up, inside this graveyard. Those of us who were wakened by GOD, we are selves, were tring to wake others around us. These people who we were tring to awake, were sitting up against grave/head stones. The head stones all said "Drunk with religion". We tried to wake them up but all they said was, "what ever will be". It was so dark there, and I heard GOD say, "I even myself have tried and they will not wake-up go now and leave this place, those who you meet on the road warn them not to come the graveyard". I saw her and others leave through the old rusty gate and head out on the many roads that Jesus is coming very soon. leave religion and come to saveing power of Jesus Christ. leave your 3 and 7 step formulas. It is through the power of the Blood of Jesus you have been saved.
It was confirmed in - Jeremiah 7:1-13 Jeremiah 7:1-13 (New American Standard Bible)
Jeremiah 7
Message at the Temple Gate - 13)13"And now, because you have done all these things," declares the LORD, "and I spoke to you, (V)rising up early and (W)speaking, but you did not hear, and I (X)called you but you did not answer -
I am not saying all the Churches in the four walls are that way. But there is also those who really are dead. Dead in religion, and are doing things the way man wants it done. It is now 3 AM
Barry Meyer
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Dream-It seems the world is seeing, what the church is refusing to acknowledge - BY: Michael Boldea Jr.
-Hand of Help Ministries -
The Dream October 30, 2007
Dear Brethren
1 Thessalonians 5:4-5, “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.”
1 Thessalonians 5:8, “But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.”
I had a dream last night, and if not for the specific instruction to share what I saw, I would have preferred to keep it to myself. I had gone to bed late, having waited for my wife to get home from work. After seeing that she had arrived home safely, and saying my prayers, I fell into a restful sleep.
I dreamt that I was sleeping, when a hand touched my shoulder, and a voice I recognized said, ‘wake up.’
In my dream I opened my eyes, and my breath caught in my throat as I saw who had awakened me. It was the same messenger, the angel I had seen on previous occasions, dressed in full battle armor, standing by the side of my bed.
“Take my hand” he said, “I have been sent to show you something.”
I barely touched the hand that was extended toward me, when my bed and my bedroom evaporated, and I found myself standing before a white oblong building, that looked allot like a barn or a horse stable. Two large doors made up the front of the structure, and as I looked they began to swing open.
I knew wherever I was it was not of this earth, because everything shone, everything was white, pristine, immaculate.
I also knew that whatever the reason was for being shown this, was about to be revealed, so I stood in silence, holding the messenger’s hand.
As soon as the doors were fully open, I saw an angel that looked very much like the one standing beside me, except without the armor, leading a white horse by its reins. The horse was large and muscular, but he followed the angel obediently, with its head bent low. The angel’s countenance was somber as he led the horse away, and for some reason this registered with great clarity.
I looked up to the messenger whose hand I was still holding, but he merely nodded toward the white building and the open doors, and said, ‘witness.’
Another angel soon appeared in the doorway, holding the reins of a red horse, following after the first. I began to realize what I was seeing, and in silence watched as two more angels appeared, each holding the reins of a horse, one black, one of no discernable color, just pale. All four angels were dressed alike, and had the same somber, sorrowful countenance.
I stood and watched as all four horses were led out of my sight, and finally when they had disappeared from view, the messenger turned to me and said: ‘Go an tell what you have seen. The riders prepare, the horses are ready, and soon they will descend, soon they will be loosed. Remember what you have witnessed, and do not hold back a single word. Soon they descend on wings of fury; soon turmoil will shake earth’s very foundation. Prepare yourself, for many will fall and few will stand. Fulfillment is at hand, go and speak what you have seen, and what you have heard. The Kingdom awaits the righteous, the holy will soon see the Lord.”
I only realized I was still holding his hand when he let go of mine, and suddenly I was back in my bed, sitting up, fully awake. I am still unsure whether or not it was a dream, or if ‘dream’ is the right word for it, but for simplicity’s sake I will call it a dream.
I tried to go back to sleep but could not, vividly remembering the sorrowful look on the faces of the angels who were leading the horses out of the stables.
It seems the world is seeing, what the church is refusing to acknowledge, the fact that we are on the cusp of great upheaval not only in this nation, but also throughout the world. These are the days of which the prophets spoke, the days of which Christ warned, the time of distress, of sifting and of separation.
My prayer is that we remember always, our hope is in the Lord, and He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. If one word stands out from this entire dream, it is the word ‘prepare’ and we must do so with diligence. The children of God must steel themselves for what is coming, prepare their hearts and settle within their souls that the day in which we will have to stand for truth is soon approaching.
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”
With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
The Dream October 30, 2007
Dear Brethren
1 Thessalonians 5:4-5, “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober.”
1 Thessalonians 5:8, “But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.”
I had a dream last night, and if not for the specific instruction to share what I saw, I would have preferred to keep it to myself. I had gone to bed late, having waited for my wife to get home from work. After seeing that she had arrived home safely, and saying my prayers, I fell into a restful sleep.
I dreamt that I was sleeping, when a hand touched my shoulder, and a voice I recognized said, ‘wake up.’
In my dream I opened my eyes, and my breath caught in my throat as I saw who had awakened me. It was the same messenger, the angel I had seen on previous occasions, dressed in full battle armor, standing by the side of my bed.
“Take my hand” he said, “I have been sent to show you something.”
I barely touched the hand that was extended toward me, when my bed and my bedroom evaporated, and I found myself standing before a white oblong building, that looked allot like a barn or a horse stable. Two large doors made up the front of the structure, and as I looked they began to swing open.
I knew wherever I was it was not of this earth, because everything shone, everything was white, pristine, immaculate.
I also knew that whatever the reason was for being shown this, was about to be revealed, so I stood in silence, holding the messenger’s hand.
As soon as the doors were fully open, I saw an angel that looked very much like the one standing beside me, except without the armor, leading a white horse by its reins. The horse was large and muscular, but he followed the angel obediently, with its head bent low. The angel’s countenance was somber as he led the horse away, and for some reason this registered with great clarity.
I looked up to the messenger whose hand I was still holding, but he merely nodded toward the white building and the open doors, and said, ‘witness.’
Another angel soon appeared in the doorway, holding the reins of a red horse, following after the first. I began to realize what I was seeing, and in silence watched as two more angels appeared, each holding the reins of a horse, one black, one of no discernable color, just pale. All four angels were dressed alike, and had the same somber, sorrowful countenance.
I stood and watched as all four horses were led out of my sight, and finally when they had disappeared from view, the messenger turned to me and said: ‘Go an tell what you have seen. The riders prepare, the horses are ready, and soon they will descend, soon they will be loosed. Remember what you have witnessed, and do not hold back a single word. Soon they descend on wings of fury; soon turmoil will shake earth’s very foundation. Prepare yourself, for many will fall and few will stand. Fulfillment is at hand, go and speak what you have seen, and what you have heard. The Kingdom awaits the righteous, the holy will soon see the Lord.”
I only realized I was still holding his hand when he let go of mine, and suddenly I was back in my bed, sitting up, fully awake. I am still unsure whether or not it was a dream, or if ‘dream’ is the right word for it, but for simplicity’s sake I will call it a dream.
I tried to go back to sleep but could not, vividly remembering the sorrowful look on the faces of the angels who were leading the horses out of the stables.
It seems the world is seeing, what the church is refusing to acknowledge, the fact that we are on the cusp of great upheaval not only in this nation, but also throughout the world. These are the days of which the prophets spoke, the days of which Christ warned, the time of distress, of sifting and of separation.
My prayer is that we remember always, our hope is in the Lord, and He is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. If one word stands out from this entire dream, it is the word ‘prepare’ and we must do so with diligence. The children of God must steel themselves for what is coming, prepare their hearts and settle within their souls that the day in which we will have to stand for truth is soon approaching.
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.”
With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A dream I had about a meeting I had with Tony Blair - concerning the Church
I had this dream this morning Sat. 2-28-09 6:15 AM.
I with my wife, we joined this group of people, of about 40 people. It was a church we helping to rebuild it up. It was in bad shape. Well as we were building I was told that the British were coming. It sounded like war was coming. The Church we were working on was in Texas the Lone Star State.
As we were working inside we saw a man looking in the window. I said that was one of the leaders. So I went out to talk to him. It so happened to be Tony Blair. He Said, “We need to talk now!”
So I agreed to talk to him on behalf of all the others. As we sat down to a dinner he was very mad, saying, “We are so hurt in what all off you have done.” And said, “I have troops ready to invade and many more on ships with many other troops.” He had much power in his words. I humbled my self in front of him (I believe this was not me but interpretation of what the church would do inside the four walls), and He became much more light hearted. I (the church) was even on my knees at the time. So as the meeting was over I was to call the head of this Church to let them know that Blair needed an answer by the next morning
That is when I woke up thinking on this dream; I mean I was up now when this happens it is God waking me up to write the dream down. As I a woke God said neither trust this Man or his Spirit.
And God gave me this verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8 (New Living Translation)
4 But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief.[a] 5 For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night. 6 So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded. 7 Night is the time when people sleep and drinkers get drunk. 8 But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.
1. Joining this Church in Texas leaving the worlds and its standards. And that we are lone Stars to God Daniel 12:3 (New Living Translation)3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. Daniel 12:3 (New Living Translation)
- 2. Tony Blair could be to fold <1> Resemble the world/Religion where we are going out on a limb and trusting God for all it’s worth. <2> could also mean could he be the Anti-Christ? He is one man speaking for all the world -----------
- 1) Blair appointed Middle East envoy
Tony Blair stepped down after a decade as Britain's PM
Tony Blair is to become a Middle East envoy working on behalf of the US, Russia, the UN and the EU. Wednesday, 27 June 2007 – he is one man speaking for all nations
2) In May 2008 Tony Blair announced a new plan for peace and for Palestinian rights, based heavily on the ideas of the Peace Valley plan - Israel may ease grip in Tony Blair deal to revive West Bank, The Times 14 May 2008
I with my wife, we joined this group of people, of about 40 people. It was a church we helping to rebuild it up. It was in bad shape. Well as we were building I was told that the British were coming. It sounded like war was coming. The Church we were working on was in Texas the Lone Star State.
As we were working inside we saw a man looking in the window. I said that was one of the leaders. So I went out to talk to him. It so happened to be Tony Blair. He Said, “We need to talk now!”
So I agreed to talk to him on behalf of all the others. As we sat down to a dinner he was very mad, saying, “We are so hurt in what all off you have done.” And said, “I have troops ready to invade and many more on ships with many other troops.” He had much power in his words. I humbled my self in front of him (I believe this was not me but interpretation of what the church would do inside the four walls), and He became much more light hearted. I (the church) was even on my knees at the time. So as the meeting was over I was to call the head of this Church to let them know that Blair needed an answer by the next morning
That is when I woke up thinking on this dream; I mean I was up now when this happens it is God waking me up to write the dream down. As I a woke God said neither trust this Man or his Spirit.
And God gave me this verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8 (New Living Translation)
4 But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief.[a] 5 For you are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night. 6 So be on your guard, not asleep like the others. Stay alert and be clearheaded. 7 Night is the time when people sleep and drinkers get drunk. 8 But let us who live in the light be clearheaded, protected by the armor of faith and love, and wearing as our helmet the confidence of our salvation.
1. Joining this Church in Texas leaving the worlds and its standards. And that we are lone Stars to God Daniel 12:3 (New Living Translation)3 Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. Daniel 12:3 (New Living Translation)
- 2. Tony Blair could be to fold <1> Resemble the world/Religion where we are going out on a limb and trusting God for all it’s worth. <2> could also mean could he be the Anti-Christ? He is one man speaking for all the world -----------
- 1) Blair appointed Middle East envoy
Tony Blair stepped down after a decade as Britain's PM
Tony Blair is to become a Middle East envoy working on behalf of the US, Russia, the UN and the EU. Wednesday, 27 June 2007 – he is one man speaking for all nations
2) In May 2008 Tony Blair announced a new plan for peace and for Palestinian rights, based heavily on the ideas of the Peace Valley plan - Israel may ease grip in Tony Blair deal to revive West Bank, The Times 14 May 2008
Sunday, April 5, 2009
MAURICE SKLAR MINISTRIES - The Closing of the Gates of Grace

“Come up here, my Bride, and escape the wrath that is about to be poured out upon the earth.”
I heard a nearly deafeningly loud blast of heavenly trumpets from both those angels at the same time, and suddenly, I saw multitudes of souls – millions and millions of them – ascending out of the earth very fast in a flash of light. The river of light coming through the gates met them in the upper atmosphere of the earth and then reversed itself and all the souls and the river of light went back up out of the earth and into the closing gates back into heaven.
-I am coming soon for My overcoming Bride. Keep your lamps burning…Watch and Pray…I AM AT THE DOORS OF GRACE! They are closing quickly….Come into My ark of safety…come into the Bridal chamber and the doors will SHUT…I AM COMING FOR YOU, MY BELOVED!!!”
I heard a nearly deafeningly loud blast of heavenly trumpets from both those angels at the same time, and suddenly, I saw multitudes of souls – millions and millions of them – ascending out of the earth very fast in a flash of light. The river of light coming through the gates met them in the upper atmosphere of the earth and then reversed itself and all the souls and the river of light went back up out of the earth and into the closing gates back into heaven.
-I am coming soon for My overcoming Bride. Keep your lamps burning…Watch and Pray…I AM AT THE DOORS OF GRACE! They are closing quickly….Come into My ark of safety…come into the Bridal chamber and the doors will SHUT…I AM COMING FOR YOU, MY BELOVED!!!”
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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